Generate exceptional lab data quality every day with the Xevo MRT, a Benchtop Multi Reflecting time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer. Delivering performance and speed without compromise.
Quantitate challenging compounds and make fast, confident decisions with our smallest, most sensitive tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer, the Xevo TQ Absolute.
Characterize your analytes using QToF mass spectrometry and expand your lab’s capabilities with a true analytical workhorse, the Xevo G3 QTof MS system.
Simply and quickly access lower limits of detection in molecular visualization directly from surfaces with the targeted Mass Spectrometry (MS) Imaging System of DESI XS and Xevo TQ Absolute.
Generate high-quality MS data with minimal training with Waters SQ Detector 2, a robust and versatile single quadrupole mass detector compatible with many chromatography platforms and ionization modes.
Waters is committed to unlocking the potential to improve the world in everything we do — from the development of lifesaving pharmaceuticals to ensuring the safety of the world’s food and water supplies and ensuring the quality of products we use every day.