Enzymate Pepsin Column

Enzymate Pepsin Column

Faster, more efficient online protein digestion

Faster, more efficient online protein digestion

Fast, efficient, and reproducible online pepsin digestion is critical in experiments that require more peptide coverage. With the Waters Enzymate BEH Pepsin Column, you can easily incorporate online protein digestion into existing HDX- MS workflows.

The Enzymate BEH Pepsin Column efficiently digests intact proteins into peptides in an online HDX system, typically in about 30 seconds. The peptic peptides are then retained on a trapping column and refocused onto a sub-2-μm ACQUITY UPLC Column for elution into high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Enzymate Pepsin Column



  • Achieve fast, reproducible, and efficient online pepsin protein digestion, typically within 30 seconds
  • Shorten overall protein sample preparation time
  • Optimize protein digestion efficiency by changing temperature and/or flow rate
  • Easily connect to the ACQUITY UPLC M-Class with HDX Technology to characterize sample protein

Recommended Use: For the online digestion of intact proteins into peptides.

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Comparing low- and high-pressure digestion efficiency

BEH particles are mechanically strong, and they can withstand prolonged, continuous high-pressure at 10,000 psi. A digestion efficiency comparison between 1,000 psi (low) and 13,500 psi (high) pressure digestions illustrates that the Waters Enzymate BEH Pepsin Column exhibits robust performance and enhanced digestion efficiency at higher pressure.







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