Glycan Solutions

Glycan Solutions

Waters combined systems, software, columns, sample preparation, and informatics provide biopharmaceutical analysts with smart workflows to streamline glycan analysis – whether you’re focused on released glycan monitoring and characterization, glycoprotein profiling, middle-up/down, subunit analysis, monosaccharide and sialic acid composition, or glycopeptide mapping.

Waters combined systems, software, columns, sample preparation, and informatics provide biopharmaceutical analysts with smart workflows to streamline glycan analysis – whether you’re focused on released glycan monitoring and characterization, glycoprotein profiling, middle-up/down, subunit analysis, monosaccharide and sialic acid composition, or glycopeptide mapping.

Waters N-glycan illustration
Waters N-glycan illustration


Over two thirds of marketed recombinant biopharmaceutical products are glycoproteins, and regulatory agencies require the use of state-of-the-art glycan analysis methods for the development and commercialization of safe and effective glycosylated biotherapeutics.  

Waters can help improve the quality of your glycan analysis and reduce sample prep time with easy to use workflow-based approaches, transforming what had once been a specialized and complicated activity into one in which scientists of any skill level can be successful. Our solutions span the entire development cycle— from released glycan monitoring and characterization, to glycoprotein profiling, middle-up/down, subunit analysis, monosaccharide and sialic acid composition, and glycopeptide mapping. Partner with Waters for the latest advancements to keep your lab compliant, accelerate your decision-making, and advance molecules to the clinic faster.


Obtain an overall profile of glycans at the protein level with Waters fast LC-MS workflows. Learn how you can easily screen, identify, and characterize intact proteins for batch-to-batch comparison to confirm that glycoprotein profiles match expectations or quickly identify unusual distributions of glycoforms.

Obtain an overall profile of glycans at the protein level with Waters fast LC-MS workflows. Learn how you can easily screen, identify, and characterize intact proteins for batch-to-batch comparison to confirm that glycoprotein profiles match expectations or quickly identify unusual distributions of glycoforms.

Antibody drug conjugates

Demo: Glycan Analysis Workflow with Andrew+ Pipetting Robot

Glycans attached to proteins play a critical role in the serum half-life, efficacy, and safety of a biopharmaceutical. The characterization and monitoring of N-glycans is an important element of the therapeutic development process. This short presentation describes the automated workflow and Waters solutions used for released N-glycan analysis for streamlined processing and reporting.

Glycans attached to proteins play a critical role in the serum half-life, efficacy, and safety of a biopharmaceutical. The characterization and monitoring of N-glycans is an important element of the therapeutic development process. This short presentation describes the automated workflow and Waters solutions used for released N-glycan analysis for streamlined processing and reporting.

Andrew Alliance Lab


Fast, comprehensive analysis, from mass detection for peptides and glycans to UPLC and UPLC-MS systems for glycan monitoring and characterization, with Waters compliance-ready solutions.

Fast, comprehensive analysis, from mass detection for peptides and glycans to UPLC and UPLC-MS systems for glycan monitoring and characterization, with Waters compliance-ready solutions.

Efficient glycan characterization and monitoring throughout development and QC

Efficient glycan characterization and monitoring throughout development and QC

Enable LC-MS biopharmaceutical analyses in every GxP lab with Waters BioAccord LC-MS System, including high-resolution MS and waters_connect software for compliance-ready data analysis and reporting.

  • Intact Glycoprotein Analysis
  • Subunit Analysis
  • Glycopeptide Mapping
  • Released N-Glycan Analysis

Ultra-low adsorption for maximum sensitivity and reproducibility

Ultra-low adsorption for maximum sensitivity and reproducibility

Eliminate the unpredictability of analyte losses due to metal interactions, which can be especially pronounced with biological molecules, using MaxPeak Premier columns and systems.

  • Intact Glycoprotein Analysis
  • Subunit Analysis
  • Glycopeptide Mapping
  • Released N-Glycan Analysis
  • Monosaccharide Composition

Complete high-resolution coverage for confident characterization and method transfer

Complete high-resolution coverage for confident characterization and method transfer

Accelerate glycan characterization and monitoring with the Xevo G3 QTof high-performance HRMS benchtop system, delivering accurate qualitative and quantitative results.

  • Intact Glycoprotein Analysis
  • Subunit Analysis
  • Glycopeptide Mapping
  • Released N-Glycan Analysis

Separate beyond question with the power of mass detection

Separate beyond question with the power of mass detection

Take single quadrupole performance to the next level with the ACQUITY QDa II Mass Detector that is easy to use, remarkably robust, and complementary to optical detection to confirm and monitor glycan profiles.

  • Subunit Analysis
  • Glycopeptide Mapping
  • Released N-Glycan Analysis
  • Monosaccharide Composition

Unrivaled sensitivity and selectivity in UPLC detection

Unrivaled sensitivity and selectivity in UPLC detection

Achieve high-sensitivity, multi-channel fluorescence detectors with the ACQUITY UPLC and ACQUITY Premier Fluorescence (FLR) detectors that boast innovative flow cell design, low-noise electronics, and support for high-speed data rates for unrivaled UPLC/UHPLC separations.

  • Released N-Glycan Analysis
  • Glycopeptide Mapping

The data speaks for itself

The data speaks for itself
Separations of the Glycoprotein Performance Test Standard Separations of the Glycoprotein Performance Test Standard (RNase A + RNase B glycoforms) using a Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300Å, 1.7 µm Column versus a BEH Amide, 130Å,1.7 µm Column. The reported resolution values were calculated using the half-height peak widths of species 1 and 2 (RNase A and RNase B Man5 glycoforms, respectively). Fluorescence detection at Ex 280 nm and Em 320 nm and a column temperature of 45 °C were employed in this example.
Glycan BEH Amide vs Glycoprotein BEH Amide HILIC fluorescence chromatograms for RapiFluor-MS labeled N-glycans from recombinant Factor IX as obtained using 2.1 x 150 mm columns with various amide bonded stationary phases. Peak capacities were calculated from half-height widths and retention windows derived from the labeled peaks.
Workflow 1 – Glycan FLR with MS confirmation. Workflow 1 – Glycan FLR with MS confirmation.
Conventional Steel Column Impact of column conditioning on HILIC of N-Glycans when using ACQUITY Premier Columns. A) FLR profiling of the RapiFluor-MS Glycan Performance Test Standard using a 2.1 x 150 mm ACQUITY Premier 1.7 µm BEH Amide Column at injection 1 (initial run), Inj. 4 (after several repeat injections of the glycan standard) and Inj. 5 (after fetuin-based conditioning and passivation); B) % Recovery of selected glycans at different injections; C) Effective peak capacity (Pc*) of ACQUITY Premier Columns at different injections.

Webinars and Resources

  • Brochure

Glycan Analysis Solutions

Glycan Analysis Solutions
  • White Paper

Best Practices in the Analysis of RapiFluor-MS Labeled Glycans Using Mass Detection

Best Practices in the Analysis of RapiFluor-MS Labeled Glycans Using Mass Detection
  • White Paper

MaxPeak Premier Solutions: Improving Consumer Safety Through Innovative Science White Paper

MaxPeak Premier Solutions: Improving Consumer Safety Through Innovative Science White Paper

Learn more about Glycan Solutions.

Learn more about Glycan Solutions.

Waters N-glycan illustration