Certified Containers

Certified Containers

Solvent and mobile-phase bottles for any LC system

Solvent and mobile-phase bottles for any LC system

Mobile phase containers are critical for every chromatography and mass spectrometry scientist, but it’s important they be free from extraneous peaks and background noise that may result from high total organic carbon (TOC). Waters Certified Containers are designed with extra attention to detail for the cleanest and highest-quality mobile phase reservoirs, which can be critical when high sensitivity matters most.

Each Certified Container is constructed of Type 1, Class A borosilicate glass processed to contain <15 ppb TOC, making them ultra-clean for high-sensitivity chromatography or massspectrometry analysis. To maintain this level of cleanliness after manufacture, each Certified Container is individually sealed in a Mylar bag to prevent particulate and phthalate contamination. To assist with contamination prevention and facilitate recommended care and use, each container carries the Waters Certified mark for easy differentiation in operational use and comes with a Certificate of Analysis documenting TOC level.

Waters Certified Containers, the cleanest and highest quality mobile-phase containers. Certified Containers







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